Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sending Sueshine to the whole world as it comes together and is slowing down for peace, love and joy on Sue's Joy Journey

March 29, 2020

Let's spread sunshine and be a peaceful warrior, not a worrier. Mother Earth, God, source, eternal life energy, takes such good care us. I am the hummingbird that has water in her beak and knows together we can put out the fear fire of a virus that we can not even see . Each one of us has the eternal God Force that flows through us and all of creation. Let's be on the edge of the situation to be part of the solution. Miracles exist in every moment, it's just seeing through a lens of love to focus on what is pleasant.

 I watch nature for it goes with the flow, it doesn't hang onto the change of seasons and beg it to come back. It is the tide coming in and out and our lives and may we ride the ocean wave and get back on the surf board when we fall off. May we walk with Faith in God, when we can not see land.  May we use this time to lend a kind hand to new people as well as the regular circle we assist.

I'm holding the vision of being held in the arms of the Universe as I hold the world in my hands. Let this be the spark that ignites the fire of desire to set yourself free. Free from believing things that weaken the immune system. See through the illusion, remember to pull down the Wizard of Oz curtain. The loving truth is putting your faith in Jesus. It's really seeing that a building to worship in is fine, but God is everywhere, in everything. Maybe this will bring compassion to the person who doesn't sit in a church or a teacher who is not in school. Maybe this activates spaciousness in your mind and footing on a crumbling ledge.

Plop, yeah even belly flop on the innertube and  float merrily down the stream. This too shall pass. All through time,  humans have had the feeling things are situations to be changed. That vibration is still here and caused a million rockets of desire for positive change to be launched. Let's get in the receiving, appreciation mode. Know underneath the drama, the news updates and blame, there is always space for peace, love and joy. I  am excited for change and God is bigger than any perceived
problem. Let's spread the good news and watch your life change. Collect that data, re-tell a new truth and paint your life's story as beautiful as you wish.

Spreading Sueshine and Sunshine and smearing peace, love and joy across the world!

Sue Roskos

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

It's About Kitty Kingdom in Sue's Joy Journey

March 10, 2020

Alarm clock goes off in the early morning and I wonder if the sun forgot to awaken. Then I remember that daylight savings time means my mornings are dark and chilly as I head out to start chores. Pearl kitty awaits by the garage door and has upped her game for making a sneaky entry into the house. She's aged to perfection at around 16 years. She was a gift from the Golden's, when Hawken went to pre-school and no longer attended childcare with Brea at  Chelsea's. Pearl was a lovely parting gift that has brought so much joy into our journey.

Pearl has discovered that she can socialize with Wee Bit Kitty. They climb the wooden ladder and snuggle up in the loft of the Trap Shack Showroom. The  kitty kingdom is expansive boxes of sheep wool that is utilized as insulation and now provides a warm, dry sleeping spot.

Wee Bit kitty is a male Tiger cat that was a Trick or Treat gift on Halloween to Hawken when he was 9 years old. My brother Tim and his wife Jo answered the early ringing of a door to a costumed nephew.  Hawken was gathering treats several days ahead of Halloween. Grandma decided he could start Halloween early. I got a call from Hawken saying he had a new cat and it was a gift.  Wee Bit and Pearl, together weave their ways of kitty charm, into our hearts on Sue's Joy Journey. They are excellent reminders to stop and pet the kitty to feel the Spirit in peace, love and joy.

Sending Sueshine to the whole world as it comes together and is slowing down for peace, love and joy on Sue's Joy Journey

March 29, 2020 Let's spread sunshine and be a peaceful warrior, not a worrier. Mother Earth, God, source, eternal life energy, takes s...