Saturday, May 13, 2017

Gratitude for Mother Figures of the Universe

Mother's Day weekend blessings to ALL women! I consider all females a reason to celebrate Mother's Day! We all had a Mom who thought it a grand idea to birth us, care for our physical needs,  and sat up with us when we couldn't sleep. Maybe Mom wasn't exactly what you believe you ordered, or maybe she surpassed your expectations. Mom, Mum, Mother, Mommy, Mother Nature, Ma- all words that build  a connection to all people who were ever born, and those to come. Let's build the bridges that connect us all together whatever form our lives have taken. Celebrate each other, Celebrate yourself and let your inner soulshine sparkle through. There's only one you, no one can ever be you! Be the person God created you to be and wear being a Mother or Father in a traditional or non-traditional role with pride.

I'm honoring my Ma-Sharon Salwey today. A strong soulshine woman who taught me how to be and not to be. Gifts, to be able to pick and choose what I wanted to be. Mom is one of my best friends. This sweet woman embellishes me with fresh wheat bread for my early morning wake up snack. Every AM I bow my head and thank her for giving me so much love in the form of the old fashioned wheat bread from the same organic flour mill-Great River now named, I grew up next to in Yaeger Valley. She provided a love for gardening, being organized, ambitious and giving heart and even insisted I learn to sew. The sewing class and my disdain for it- has  prompted me to have Tom do any of our  sewing with his vet suture material. She never shared my love of animals or farming or fieldwork, but honored the spot in me that had to be out in the thick of milking, doing fieldwork, burning brush and wanting my Barbie dolls to be able to drive heavy equipment. Thanks Mom, I picked the best Mommy in the world for me and am so delighted to have u want to picnic by the creek and even catch a trout with family as a way to celebrate the gift of family on Mother's Day weekend!   

Feel the Spirit in Peace, Love and Joy

Sue A Roskos

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